Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Château de Versailles and Orsay Museum

We took the RER-C train out to Versailles today.  It's really easy to get around Paris by train.  There's a metro stop at the end of our street and it was just one train transfer to get out to this small town to see something that's been estimated to cost half of France's entire GNP for one year.  So lets get to the pictures:

This is what you see when you walk up through the royal gate.

The Royal Chapel is one of the first things you see on the guided audio tour.

Louis the XIV - 'created' (funded the creation of) the majority of Versailles current design
The Hall of Mirros.  Very cool room.

The Kings bed.  It's actually pretty small.

These ebony pieces of furnature are just out of this world.  The lacquer used to get the shin in them had gold dust mixed into it.

Kate in the Queen's quaters.

Kate and I out in the guilded courtyard.

The royal gardens.

The Apollo Basin - pretty awesome even when it's not on.

The garden is massive!

The Orsay Museum is beautiful. Before becoming a museum it was a train station. We got to to see famous works by Van Gogh like Self Portrait, Degas: The Dance Class, and Renoir: Dance at Le Moulin de Gallette. Not to mention Claude Monet: Lilly Pads, Haystack at the End of the Summer Morning and many, many more. Breathtaking! We went right after Versailles so we were a bit tired and it was a lot to take in~ So many masterpieces of the world to see in one day! Paris- J' Taime

1 comment:

  1. OMG! We are experiencing the world you are seeing thru the fantastic photos you are providing! It's one thing to see the icons in a photo in National Geographic--quite another to see them in real time/real life. Thanks for sharing!! You leave us breathless for more^_^
