Monday, March 28, 2011

Notre-Dame Cathedral and Musée De Louvre

Kate and I were up early and out the door today for awesome day of sight seeing. We committed to a very long walk from our hotel to the Notre-Dame cathedral. After the Notre-Dame, we hopped onto a subway to go to the Musée De Louvre.  Here are some pictures with a few words:

Kate in front of the French Pantheon
Kate in front of the Notre-Dame.  Entry is free.

Inside the cathedral with the morning light shining in.  De toute beauté!

Baptism thing

Awesome glass window

 The church left this section open for people to pray.

 Kate enjoying tulips and flying buttresses!  Then on to the Louvre...
James in the Louvre's court yard
 Kate enjoying art
  More Louvre pictures to come later.  Au revoir!

More Louvre Pics:

Super Big ehh!

The lady herself... bigger than we thought it would be.

Kate infront of a big picture of Napoleon Bonaparte.  Anyone see the irony?
Super old Egyptian tablet
Persian Horse Men
 The Code of Hammurabi -

It’s an example of one of mankind’s earliest and most complete attempt at a set of laws that would govern day to day life. The Code consists of 282 laws, with scaled punishments, adjusting "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" as graded depending on social status, of slave versus free man. Very cool stuff.

Tuesday we should be going to the top of the Eiffel Town and we'll be taking in the Army museum which has Napoleon's tomb in it.

Sunrise in front of Napoleon’s Tomb


  1. Beautiful pictures! How is the food and wine?

  2. Wine is cheep and great. The food consists of lots of bread.

  3. I saw the exact same things when I was there over 20 years ago.
